Volleyball Association Opens Visiting Volleyball Class to Expand Base
Aug 22, 2024
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, and the Korea Sports Association, the association conducts youth sports activities support projects (girls volleyball classes), youth sports infrastructure construction projects, youth volleyball sports clubs, and student referee training projects.
As concerns about female students' physical activity alienation grow louder, the association is making various efforts to create a sports environment without blind spots. As part of that, it has been operating a youth sports activity support project (girl's volleyball class) for nine years from 2016 to the present. The program provides a total of 24 lessons for elementary, middle, and high school girls at 45 schools nationwide, for two hours at a time. Schools participating in the class are sweating with the goal of winning various volleyball competitions as well as participating in the class under the guidance of the dispatched professional instructor. The association expects to create an environment where students can easily access sports activities by organizing programs suitable for girls, thereby improving interest in volleyball, cooperation through group activities, and self-efficacy.
The following is a youth sports foundation construction project. It is a project that has supported classes and competitions for elementary schools since 2022, and this year, it will establish a volleyball guidance system by developing and distributing modified sports models for youth.
This project aims to promote sports activation by developing and distributing customized sports models and educational programs, and the developed programs will be supplemented appropriately for the site through 10 simulations (training) at 10 elementary schools nationwide. The completed textbook will be distributed in the form of videos and e-books so that anyone can easily enjoy volleyball without the help of a professional instructor. The association hopes that through this project, volleyball will break the existing perception that it is difficult for elementary school students to learn and serve as a springboard for the launch of the youth league (I-League).
The youth volleyball sports club development support project supports the development of club-based players by dispatching professional instructors and providing training supplies to youth sports clubs nationwide. This year, a total of 25 classes will be conducted from July to November for a total of two hours to provide high-quality volleyball training to youth. In particular, by granting the obligation to participate in the competition, they gain experience to improve their skills and strengthen teamwork through continuous game experience. The club that participated in the class last year performed well in various competitions and received high satisfaction from the participants.
Next, student referee training education is a project in which professional referees provide career experience opportunities through referee education for elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide (fourth grade or higher). This year, it will be operated nine times for two hours once for 15 locations, and students who have completed this class will receive a certificate of completion to work as an operating staff or a good judge at school sports club competitions and association competitions. Last year, a student at Seoul National University's Girls' Middle School who participated in the student referee training education served as a referee at the association competition, positively affecting the search for a meaningful career path and establishment of values. Based on these achievements, the association expects to contribute to career exploration by cultivating the right personality for youth through this project.
The association has laid the foundation for exchanges between daily sports and professional sports by converting all classes from the 9-person system to the 6-person system from 2022 and expects to flow into professional sports through daily sports as an alternative to the decreasing problem of professional athletes.
All instructors participating in the project consist of former national athletes and retirees who have completed compulsory education such as sexual violence prevention education and human rights education, providing a safe educational environment with professional guidance. In addition, all schools participating in the class are provided with items necessary for each class appropriately for the purpose and target of the class so that the class can be carried out smoothly.
The association said it will continue to expand youth volleyball education programs to provide a variety of sports activities to more students.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.