0:1 → 1:0 → 0:1 → 12:4, 18 hits after 16 hits-1 points in 3 games, and the goblin batter's No. 4 to Home Steel

Sep 27, 2024

01 → 10 → 01 → 124, 18 hits after 16 hits-1 points in 3 games, and the goblin batter's No. 4 to Home Steel
Okamoto, who hit his 27th home run as the leadoff hitter in the fourth inning against Yokohama on the 26th. Yomiuri, who had been tied with one run in the previous three games, won 12-4. Photo capture =Miuri Giants SNS
The Yomiuri Giants, who are aiming to win the Central League for the first time in four years, suffered from a recent slump in hitting. If he played three games from the Hanshin Tigers on the 22nd to the Yokohama BayStars on the 25th, he scored one run in 27 innings. All three games were decided by one point, but they couldn't reduce the magic number going to the championship and stepped back.

First, Hanshin and Koshien will play two consecutive games from the 25th to the 26th. They lost 0-1 on the first day. I won 1-0 the next day. 0-1 Youngbong defeat on the first day against Hanshin, the No. 1 competitor. There was a shock. Ace Tomoyuki Sugano, who was aiming for 15 wins, pitched eight innings of one run, but his batting concentration was disappointing.

He failed to score the first run in the first inning with no outs and second base, and he also lost a full base chance in the sixth inning with no outs. Hanshin ace Hiroto Saiki beat the Yomiuri batters with seven hits and no runs in seven innings.

The next day, the 23rd. I returned the Youngbong plaque. In the seventh inning, center hit three consecutive hits to score one point. On this day, the two teams hit six hits each. Starting pitcher Foster Griffin blocked six innings and three bullpen pitchers blocked the remaining three innings without losing a point.

Yokohama away game on the 25th. He was stopped by Andre Jackson, the opponent's right-hander. He had only three hits. It turned 0 to 1. The runner went out to second base twice, but failed to connect to the score. Starting pitcher Shosei Dogo allowed one run in seven innings and lost the game. With five games to go, the sense of crisis has risen.

The lineup, which had been lethargic for three consecutive games, survived like a lie. In the match against Yokohama on the 26th, he had 18 hits and won the game 12-4. All the starting batters recorded hits. He reduced the magic number to '3' and approached the championship. There were two games between Hanshin and second place with five games left.

It went well from the beginning of the game. He scored three runs by concentrating four hits, including two doubles in the first inning. In the second inning, with the bases loaded with two outs, No. 5 Hisayoshi Chono hit a timely two-run homer
01 → 10 → 01 → 124, 18 hits after 16 hits-1 points in 3 games, and the goblin batter's No. 4 to Home Steel
Sakamoto, who hit a two-run home run in the fourth inning against the Yomiuri Giants on the 26th. Photo capture=Miuri Giants SNS
burst into a burst of. Kazuma Osamoto succeeded in a home steal and scored additional points. 6-0.

In the fourth inning, when they were chased 6-4, they drove in once again. No. 4 Okamoto and No. 6 Sakamoto Hayato hit home runs to run three runs. Okamoto and Sakamoto also hit a hit in the fifth inning, laying the bridge to the extra point.

Okamoto hit three hits, including a home run, and walked two to play the fifth base game. No. 7-Captor Yukinori Kishida had three hits and three RBIs.

The Yomiuri Giants have not achieved a performance worthy of their recent reputation. It fell to the B-Class (4th to 6th place out of 6 teams) for the second consecutive year between 2022-2023. It is an unacceptable performance for a team that looks at winning every year.

Head coach Tatsunori Hara stepped down at the end of the season, and head coach Shinnosuke Abe took over the baton. Since then, he has succeeded in changing the atmosphere and has a chance to win the league in his first year in office.

Yomiuri last topped the league in 2020. He lost all four games to the Softbank Hawks in the Japan Series that year. He scored only four points in four games. For the second year in a row, Softbank was humiliated by losing all four of the Japan Series.

01 → 10 → 01 → 124, 18 hits after 16 hits-1 points in 3 games, and the goblin batter's No. 4 to Home Steel
Yomiuri right-hander Dogo became a losing pitcher after pitching seven innings of one run against Yokohama on the 25th. On this day, the Yomiuri lineup had only three hits and no goals. Photo capture =Miuri Giants SNS
Softbank, the dominant player in the Pacific League, confirmed its No. 1 ranking early with overwhelming power. If the two teams meet in the Japan Series for the first time in four years, I wonder what the results will be. Even if you win first place, you have to pass the climax series to get a chance.

Reporter Min Chang-ki huelva@sportschosun.com

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