'Hwang Heechan 71 minutes'Wolverhampton is out of the Carabao Cup! a 2-3 defeat to Brighton

Sep 19, 2024

'Hwang Heechan 71 minutes'Wolverhampton is out of the Carabao Cup! a 2-3 defeat to Brighton
[London (UK) = Egan Sports Chosun.COM reporter] Wolverhampton lost to Brighton. He was eliminated from the English Football League (EFL Cup, Carabao Cup).

Wolverhampton lost to Brighton 2-3 in the Carabao Cup match at the Amex Community Stadium in Brighton on the afternoon of the 18th (local time). Hwang Hee-chan started. He was replaced in the 26th minute of the second half.

Wolverhampton deployed Hwang Hee-chan as a striker. Formed a two-top with Gedas. Rodrigo Gómez, João Gómez, Doyle and Sarabia backed behind him. Four Bags were built by Lima, Bueno, Pond and Doherty. Saga kept the goal.

Brighton featured Steele, Inshelwood, Webster, Igor, Estupinan, Minte, Valieva, Moder, Adingra, Ferguson and Enciso.

Brighton scored the first goal in the 14th minute of the first half. He put pressure on the front. Valieva snatched João Gómez off the cheek. And he hit a left-footed mid-range shot in front of the arc circle. It was sucked into the goal.

Brighton didn't stop here. He continued his offensive in the 23rd minute of the first half. The pass went in at the second line. Ferguson grabbed it and shot it as it was. He headed into the goal. But Inter was greedy. He shot and finished it. Offside declared. The goal was disallowed.

Wolverhampton hit a shot in the 30th minute of the first half. Guedes tried to shoot as it was in the right corner of the penalty box. He was blocked by the goalkeeper.

31 min Brighton scored another goal. It was Adingra. Caught the ball on the left side of the penalty box. He dribbled in. After moving in front of the arc circle, he hit a right foot shot. He made a goal.

Wolverhampton scored one goal in the 44th minute. Rodrigo Gomes shook the side. Passed to Doherty. Doherty caught it and cutback and Guedes shot and scored a goal.

'Hwang Heechan 71 minutes'Wolverhampton is out of the Carabao Cup! a 2-3 defeat to Brighton
Wolverhampton continued to drive early in the second half. In the 14th minute of the second half, Guedes had a lobbing pass. He crossed. Just before going to Sarabia, Steele goalkeeper blocked it. In the 16th minute, Hwang Hee-chan stabbed a sharp pass. But Guedes' last cross was a shame.

Ulverhampton created a chance in the 20th minute of the second half. Steele goalkeeper hit Semedo's cross. The ball seemed to fit Brighton defender Hinshelwood and into the goal. But Brighton cleared it. In the 26th minute of the second half, Guedes had a chance. But Guedes' shot missed the side. Shortly after, Wolverhampton took out Hwang Hee-chan and added Cunha.

Wolverhampton couldn't change the game. Rather, he gave Brighton a net in the 40th minute of the second half. Cardioglu scored a goal.

Wolverhampton scored one goal in the 45th minute of the second half. Brighton made a mistake. The Steel goalkeeper made a ridiculous pass miss. Larsen caught it and passed it back. Doyle connected it with a mid-range shot and shook the net. However, there was not enough time to play. Wolverhampton went for one more goal but failed to achieve his goal.

In the end, the final whistle blew. Wolverhampton was eliminated from the Carabao Cup.
