Coach Hong Myung-bo "Please cheer for the players! The blame will be taken up by the director."

Sep 08, 2024

Coach Hong Myung-bo 'Please cheer for the players! The blame will be taken up by the director.'
[Alsiv Stadium (Pride Shiv) = Egan Sports Chosun Dotcom Reporter] Coach Hong Myung-bo expressed his thoughts on the booing toward him throughout the Palestinian match.

The national soccer team trained at Al Shiv Stadium in Shiv, Oman, on the 7th, three days before the third Asian qualifying round for the 2026 North-China World Cup against Oman. The session was short for about an hour, focusing on recovery training. Prior to the training, Hong met with reporters and talked about various things. He said "I hope you always cheer for our players. The blame can only be taken by the director."

◇ Q&A with Director Hong Myung-bo

-I think I would feel good because I have a good memory in Oman (I confirmed my advance to the finals 12 years ago after winning a great victory in Oman in the Asian qualifying round for the London Olympics). After this victory, he achieved the highest record of bronze in the finals that he advanced to.)

▶I feel unfamiliar with the country of Oman, but it's not that bad because there was such good energy in the past.

-When I entered the country, Korean residents welcomed me. The players were also grateful. Kim Min-jae even gave fans autographs.

▶I saw Kim Min-jae talk after the game. Our national team players always play for the people as national team players and for the country. Kim Min-jae, who I know, is a player who always appreciates his fans and says that his fans' support is very supportive.

In a way, because of this (criticism) about me, it happened (because of the coach). I don't know how Kim Min-jae felt. I think it would be nice to support our players. It's possible to criticize the director. I hope you will always support our players. It's a criticism, it's what the director needs to do.

-A day has passed since the Palestinian War.

▶The results are a bit disappointing. But this is the final qualifying round. It's time to produce results. In the second half of the Palestinian match, there were several chances. I felt sorry for not having a point because I didn't make it. Now it's the first game, and our players, especially players from Europe, such as Kim Min-jae, Son Heung-min, and Lee Kang-in, came to Korea, trained for a day, and went to the game right away, so they were a little tired. When I thought about that, I felt a little sad.

Coach Hong Myung-bo 'Please cheer for the players! The blame will be taken up by the director.'
-The grass at the Seoul World Cup Stadium is an issue

▶The technique our players have is good. In order to demonstrate such a thing, I think it can be better if this ground environment is better.

-I heard that if the grass situation at the Seoul World Cup Stadium gets worse, we can do it somewhere else

▶The best place is where our players can perform well.Of course, Sangam is the final qualifying round for the World Cup, and the audience is also a concentrated game, so you can think of it as a matter of course in Sangam. The association itself said that if grass continues to be a problem like that, it is also not good for our players' performance. I think the association will think about it.

-Now, after the World Cup in Brazil, Donum has been criticized a lot. I think it's the first time I've been booed for 90 minutes in a stadium against Palestine. I think it must have been a big shock.

▶It's my first time, so I can't say there's nothing embarrassing about it. I hope so. What's outside is outside, and I hope you can support our players only when they come inside our stadium. Rather than connecting it to that point, our players have to play anyway, but I think I would appreciate it if they could do something that the players can do well.

-As a player, I have a lot of experience as a coach. How should we overcome the slump after the disappointing game.

▶ The players' solidarity and cohesion are the most important. It may or may not be done by anyone. I think it may be possible by various surroundings.

The overall atmosphere of the stadium in the last game, that flow, and our players' thoughts. I'm not sure yet how these things will come out in the next game. Because it's my first time experiencing all of this.

However, it is now my role to make these things positive or good results from the coach's point of view. I think that's the best way for the players to focus only on the game without thinking too much else and get good results.

-In Korean soccer history, there was an Oman shock. Oman is quite strong at the home of Oman.

▶First of all, there are players with individual skills in the opponent. So, it might be like that in the final preliminary round. As expected, one chance that can be given to the opponent, it can be a counter attack or a set play. The best way is to prevent us from intensively increasing our concentration for 90 minutes. We don't know how our opponent will turn out again this time, but if we get off and use it, we have to find a way to break him down. I think we can do it tomorrow and do a little training the day after tomorrow.

Last Palestine, I was too short of time to find a way, to be honest. However, the match against Palestine got better in the second half than in the first half, so I think we should keep those parts and prepare for the next game.

-In what part do you think the performance was revived in the second half of the Palestinian match.

▶First of all, in the first half, there were things we were trying to get all the balls. As a result, it came down as a whole. When the ball had to go forward, we were a little short in numbers.

I know the players owned the ball, but I would like them to be a little more aware of what the biggest purpose of possession is.of possession as a result. How much we want to play in the form we want. We own it to make it our intention. But it can be a long ball or a fast ball. That's also what you own. It's really hard to break the dense defense like that because we keep turning the ball stably.

It is really not easy to break through the dense defense to do it without changing the tempo. Then, you can get hit by a counter attack and just take a shot and lose.

-Will there be any change in the match against Oman this time.

▶I think we need to make some changes. Because there are many players who have been together for years. I started after a day of training. I thought it was more important to allow the players to do a little better than my overall color.

It didn't come out that well in the first half of the Palestinian game. In the second half, he made a little change and it continued well. There are two days left until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but I think I need to revise it well and prepare for it.

-The third qualifying round will be followed by home-away or away-home. Overall, it has become important because players from Europe are government officials.

▶In the case of European players, they arrived in the daytime on the 3rd. I also came here for 13 hours and 15 hours of flight time, including at least the waiting time. After training on the 4th, playing on the 5th, taking a day off on the 6th, I flew back for a few hours.

So, it's very difficult to manage this physical strength and jet lag overall. I also think he played in the match against Palestine before coming to Korea and did not recover. There were some physical difficulties as I did it in a state that was not perfect. It's the same now, but I'm still expecting it to be better this time than the last game.

-Son Heung-min and Lee Kang-in had a good chance against Palestine. Was it because of the physical burden that caused him to miss out.

▶ As a result, there is a physical part. As a result, the physical part leads to concentration, so there must have been some such effects overall.They are not players who will miss those things.

-How did you tell the players about that.

▶I didn't talk about one player or a few players after the last one. Considering the overall game today, of course, I felt a bit disappointed as a result, but I told the players that I saw them do their best until the end.

We finished talking about preparing well because we have a game next time.I didn't tell anyone in particular.