"I really want to go" Super Rookie's Desperateness, Will It Come to a Last Miracle

Sep 26, 2024

'I really want to go' Super Rookie's Desperateness, Will It Come to a Last Miracle
SSG Park Ji-hwan hits a game between SSG and Doosan at Jamsil Baseball Stadium on the 23rd. Jamsil = Reporter Heo Sang-wook wook@sportschosun.com /2024.09.23/
"I really want to go to fall baseball."

SSG Landers rookie Park Ji-hwan's first season is nearing the end. Park Ji-hwan, who joined SSG after graduating from Sebyeong High School with the first round of SSG and the first overall fielder's designation, spent his first season proving his talent as expected. It stood out from the spring camp. SSG excluded all rookie players this year, including Park Ji-hwan, from the first Florida camp in the U.S. It was a different choice from last year's training with rookies such as Lee Rowoon and Song Young-jin from the first camp. General manager Kim Jae-hyun looked at the rookies several times at Ganghwa Futures Stadium, and decided to start in the second-tier camp first because he was not fully prepared.

Park Ji-hwan, who started from the second-tier camp with his colleagues, stood out from the beginning. Not only batting talent, but also strong shoulders, throwing ability, and defensive sense were strongly recommended by the second-tier coaching staff, and Lee Soo-yong, the first-team coach, also called in Park Ji-hwan immediately to start the test from the practice game. Coach Lee said several times that Park Ji-hwan showed his talent without being intimidated in practice and exhibition games"I watched with pleasure. And a high school graduate was honored to be named in the opening entry for the first time in 20 years, including when he was a full-length SK Wyverns player. It wasn't as smooth as it was, suffering a fine fracture after being hit by a sand dune in the back of his left hand at the beginning of the season, but at least this season, Park Ji-hwan gave the club confidence.

'I really want to go' Super Rookie's Desperateness, Will It Come to a Last Miracle
A game between SSG Landers and Lotte Giants at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 10th. SSG Park Ji-hwan is training for defense. Incheon = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.10/
Park Ji-hwan, who showed off his formidable presence with a batting average of 364 (39 hits in 107 times at bat) and two home runs and 14 RBIs in 32 games in the first half, slowed down a bit with 209 runs (24 hits in 115 times at bat) and two home runs and seven RBIs until the 25th of the second half.

In contrast to the monthly batting average of .400 in June alone, the monthly batting average was only .191 in August. There were only nine hits but 13 strikeouts. It didn't even become a snow baseball due to impatience. There was only one walk during this period. It was a time when the batting balance was completely disrupted.

Park Ji-hwan said "The lower body and upper body rhythm didn't match at all. I think it was very bad then. Coach Kang Byung-sik really helped me a lot. After the game, I practiced a lot at night, and the coach delayed leaving work and helped me by the side."

Striking coach Kang Byung-sik was willing to go through the slump period of a rookie so that he could make the most of his strengths while diagnosing Park Ji-hwan's current problems.

'I really want to go' Super Rookie's Desperateness, Will It Come to a Last Miracle
Park Ji-hwan, who will be interviewed at Jamsil Stadium on the 23rd. Photo = Reporter Na Yuri
Park Ji-hwan said "The coach talked a lot about my biggest strength. He helped me maximize my strengths and how to set timing. Thanks to this, I was able to modify a lot and it was very helpful. It's not about modifying the batting form or anything like that. Since the problem of lower body balance was big, I focused on timing my hit well in my rhythm."

No matter how new he was, even if it was his first time, he didn't think it was okay to be bad. Therefore, it is also true that I was in a hurry because there was no more result. Park Ji-hwan couldn't hide his expressions full of regret and frustration as he returned to the bench after striking out when the bat was not in full swing.

He said "I think I couldn't cope with it and hit it even though it was a ball that I could handle and hit enough. But I don't think I should show that kind of look (sad expression)," he replied maturely.

Park Ji-hwan hit two decisive home runs against Suwon KT Wiz on the 22nd, leading the team to a great victory. It is the same game that SSG won six consecutive games by retaking fifth place again. Park Ji-hwan's first multi-homer game in one game since his professional debut. Thanks to this, he couldn't hide his joy that the team could win.

'I really want to go' Super Rookie's Desperateness, Will It Come to a Last Miracle
The 2024 KBO League All-Star Game was held at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 6th. Dream All-Star Park Ji-hwan is entering the batter's box. Incheon = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.06/
Park Ji-hwan said, `I think the first home run was better because it was a home run through a video review. The second home run was a wedge, so it was a joy."

The presence of Jung Joon-jae, a close brother, and a well-meaning competitor, is a great help to Park Ji-hwan. He is a senior who was very good at baseball, and he is my favorite brother. If it's a competition with Jun-jae, it might be considered a competition, but they're too close to each other. We have a lot of conversations about each other's problems or deficiencies, and we are cool-headed and helping each other.

It seems like only yesterday that he joined, but Park Ji-hwan will soon become a senior. But the season is not over yet. And I want to play baseball in the first season of my debut as long as possible. Park Ji-hwan, who has experienced such a fierce ranking fight for the first time and a breathtaking atmosphere toward advancing to the 5th round, said, `I really want to go to fall baseball. I want to do my best until the end because there's not much time left," he said with a twinkle in his eye.
