Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'

Sep 24, 2024

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
Seoul E-Land laughed at the 1st and 2nd place Big Bang.

E-Land won 1-0 in the 32nd round of the 'Hana Bank K League 2 2024' against FC Anyang at Mokdong Stadium on the 24th. E-Land, the second-ranked team that succeeded in winning its first game of the season against Anyang, had 48 points, reducing the point gap with the leader Anyang (54 points) to six points. E-Land has continued its steep rise in the last four games (three wins and one draw).

Eland pulled out a 3-4-3 card. Montagno-Jeong Jae-min-Lee Dong-yul made a three-top. Park Min-seo, Seo Jae-min, Baek Ji-woong, and Cha Seung-hyun were in the waistline. The three-back was composed by Lee In-jae, Kim Oh-gyu, and Kim Min-gyu. Moon Jung-in defended the goal. Osmar, Kazuki, Byeon Kyung-joon, Lee Joon-seok and Kim Shin-jin started on the bench.

Anyang carried out a rotation. Matheus, Yago, Kim Jung-hyun, and Kim Dong-jin were placed on the bench. Yoo Jeong-wan and Choi Sung-beom stood on the left and right with the Korean right as the one-top. In the midfield, Chae Hyun-woo, Hangaram and Lee Young-jik were located, and Joo Hyun-woo, Kim Young-chan, Lim Seung-gyeom and Lee Tae-hee formed a defense team. Kim Da-sol wore goalkeeper gloves.

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
E-Land coach Kim Do-kyun said, `We took a break from one game and watched the match against Ansan in person. The opponent is very solid. It's a well-balanced team. We lost to Anyang in the previous two games, but it wasn't bad in terms of content. As much as the motivation is well-motivated, we are expecting good results." Then "I thought the other person was tired, but he changed a lot. I judged that there was damage to the side or center defense, but I intend to actively target the opponent's back four. The plan is to focus on the side attack."

Anyang coach Yoo Byung-hoon said, `I played three days ago, and I had a lot of physical exhaustion because I had to leave again. There were players who complained of pain in the muscle part, so they made changes in the lineup. I think they are players who can do their best in the current situation." Then "In August, the players were tired, but they held on without losing consecutive games. He emphasized to the players that they should be a team, not an individual, but in September, the results are coming out"In the second half, Matheus or Yago will be deployed to make aggressive changes."

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
E-Land pushed hard from the beginning of the first half. He attempted a cutback on the left side of the mobility rate in the 7th minute of the first half. Jung Jae-min's shot did not hit properly, and the goalkeeper blocked it well. In the 16th minute, Jung Jae-min connected with a header from Park Min-seo's cross from the left. It went over the goalpost. In the 17th minute of counterattack, Cha Seung-hyun shot after beating one defense. He was out after getting hit by the defense.

Eland's offensive continued. Lee In-jae's header crossed the post in the 18th minute of a corner kick. Anyang made the first shot. In the 19th minute, Joo Hyun-woo tried to shoot from a distance after seeing goalkeeper Moon Jung-in come out. The goalkeeper saved it. E-Land tried to shoot in a 35th minute cutback situation. He came out after hitting Anyang's defense. E-Land players insisted on handball, but the referee proceeded with the game.

36 min There is a variable in E-Land. The rate of movement collapsed due to a hamstring during the sprint. Byun Kyung-joon has been replaced. Anyang took the opportunity. In the 39th minute, Han Eui-kwon penetrated and shot taking advantage of the E-Land defense mistake. Moon Jung-in jumped in and defended well.

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
E-Land's attack exploded in the extra time of the first half. Seo Jae-min caught the ball that Montagno stabbed from the left and connected it with a right foot shot. Kim Da-sol saved it nicely. E-Land scored. In the 47th minute, Lee In-jae jumped in and finished with a header on the ball raised by Montagno from the right. The first half ended with E-Land's 1-0 lead.

Both teams made changes at the start of the second half. Eland excluded Baek Ji-woong and Osmar, and Anyang added Matheus except Chae Hyun-woo. In the first minute of the second half, E-Land took a decisive opportunity. The ball that Osmar handed over from the left was connected to Byun Kyung-joon. Byun Kyung-joon broke through and tried to shoot his left foot, but slightly off the post. Anyang also fought back. He attempted a sharp cross from the right, but Kim Oh-kyu saved it nicely.

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
In the 6th minute corner kick, Anyang caught Yoo Jeong-wan from the left and attempted a right foot shot. It's a long way off. In the 8th minute, Park Min-seo fired a sharp caroyoon shot from a distance. Kim Da-sol did a good job of blocking it. Anyang fought back with a counterattack, but it didn't finish well. 15 min Anyang used two replacement cards. Kim Jung-hyun and Kim Un were added without Han Ga-ram's oriental medicine rights. E-Land has also made a difference. In the 17th minute, Lee Joon-seok and Kim Shin-jin entered instead of Montagno and Jung Jae-min.

A battle of one step and one step followed. In the 29th minute, Kim Shin-jin tried a mid-range shot, but it came up. E-Land and Anyang made changes side by side for 32 minutes. In E-Land, Kwang-hoon was added instead of Park Min-seo, who was injured. In Anyang, Choi Sung-beom and Yoo Jung-wan came out, and Yago and Moon Sung-woo entered. 34 min E-Land has a good chance. Seo Jae-min, who received Kim Shin-jin's pass, shot from the front of the arc after beating two defenders. He hit the defense and headed to the net, but Kim Da-sol easily caught it.

E-Land had a decisive 36th minute chance. After beating one defense in a counterattack, he tried to shoot his left foot. Unfortunately, he hit the left crossbar and came out.

Lee In-jae's winning goal. E-Land won 1-0 over Anyang..6 points from the lead 'I see promotion'
Anyang has launched a general offensive. He broke down the right side and created several opportunities. But Kroos was caught by the E-Land defender's foot without fail. E-Land did not lose concentration until the end and blocked Anyang's attack to secure a pleasant 1-0 victory.
