Son Heung-min Season 1 Help! Tottenham 2-1 Brent Ford in the first half

Sep 21, 2024

 Son Heung-min Season 1 Help! Tottenham 2-1 Brent Ford in the first half
[Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (London, England) = Egan Sports Chosun Dotcom Reporter] Son Heung-min recorded his first assist of the season. Tottenham are ahead.

Tottenham is leading 2-1 in the fifth round of the English Premier League (EPL) match against Brentford in the 2024-2025 season at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on the afternoon of the 21st.

Tottenham came out with a 4-3-3 model. Vicario defended the goal. Porro, Romero, Van der Ben, and Udogi built the four-back. Klushevski, Bentancourt and Madison stood at the waist. Johnson, Solanke and Son Heung-min stepped up to the front-line three-top.

Brentford was the type 5-3-2. Carvalho and Mbhoemo stood at the front line. At the waist stood Yarmoliuk, Damsgor, and Janelt. Lewis Porter, Collins, Pinnock, Van den Bergh and Ayer formed the five-back. Flecken defended the goal. Kim Ji-soo was named on the bench.

Brentford took a blow as soon as the game started. It was 28 seconds in the first half. Lewis Porter's cross was connected with a volley shot and shook the net.

Tottenham launched a counterattack. He continued his offensive. Seven minutes Solanke snatched the ball. Then he passed to Son Heung-min, who entered the back space. Son Heung-min gave up the cutback. Madison took one and shot. The shooting timing was too late. He was blocked by the defender.

 Son Heung-min Season 1 Help! Tottenham 2-1 Brent Ford in the first half
Tottenham scored the equalizer. It was eight minutes in the first half. The Brentford defender made a pass miss. Madison snatched it. I shot after hitting it. The goalkeeper hit it. Solanke rushed to this ball and shot and shook the net.

Tottenham's offensive continued. U Do-ki dug into the back space of the defense. Tottenham hit it in. The ball was delivered to Son Heung-min. Son Heung-min grabbed it and shot it as it was. Stuck by goalkeeper Flecken. In the 11th minute, Johnson tried to shoot. Slightly away from the goal.

26 min Son Heung-min had a chance. Solanke poked a pass. Son Heung-min broke down the back space. Against goalkeeper Flecken. Son Heung-min tried to beat the goalkeeper. goalkeeper Flecken interrupted slightly. The defender came in. I gave up the pass. Klushevski shot but was caught by a defender.

Tottenham scored an upset goal in the 28th minute of the first half. He launched a counterattack. Son Heung-min went in. Then I stabbed the pass. Johnson grabbed it and hit the shot after hitting it as it was. The net was broken. It was Son Heung-min's first assist of the season.