Son Heung-min requests a replacement out, 71 minutes of injury suspicious replacement out

Sep 27, 2024

 Son Heung-min requests a replacement out, 71 minutes of injury suspicious replacement out
[Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (London, England) = Egan Sports Chosun, reporter] Son Heung-min (Tottenham) asked for a substitution out on his own after playing 71 minutes. Tottenham, who played in the Europa League, is 3-0 ahead of Karabakh in the absence of one player.

Tottenham fell into a numerical inferiority due to the defender's exit in the eighth minute of the first half. Tottenham, however, are leading the way by scoring the first goal.

In the first round of the Europa League (UEL) League phase of the 2024-2025 season against Karabakh at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on the 26th, the team finished the first half with a score of 1-0. Son Heung-min is leading the attack by digging the back space.

Tottenham came out with a 4-3-3 model. Son Heung-min, Solanke and Johnson formed a three-top. Beribal, Sarr and Bissouma stood at the waist. Davis, Van der Ben, Dragushin and Gray formed a four-back. The goal was guarded by Vicario.

Tottenham went on the offensive. Davis took the ball in the fourth minute of the first half. Son Heung-min dug into the back space. It didn't even connect to the shot. Tottenham kept going. The ball possession ratio has been greatly increased.

A variable occurred in the 8th minute of the first half. Dragushin received a ridiculous exit. I caught a back pass. The ball handling was immature. The opposing striker pressed. I gave him the ball. Dragushin fouled off. He intentionally cut off a clear scoring chance. The referee was adamant. I took out my red card. In the eighth minute of the first half, Tottenham were outnumbered.

In the 12th minute of the first half, Beribal went out and U Do-ki was urgently put in. Udo Kia went to the left line and Davis was placed as center back.

Tottenham produced a goal right away. It was 13 minutes in the first half. He snatched the ball through forward compression. Solanke poked a pass. Johnson shook the net with a direct shot. It was the first goal at a good time. Johnson has scored three consecutive goals.

Karabakh also had a chance in the 19th minute of the first half. The pass went in at the second line. Byramov jumped into space. Before shooting, U Do-ki broke the balance with a physical fight. The chance was dashed.

Tottenham had to play efficiently. He continued to target the back of the defense. From the left, Son Heung-min continued to dig into the back. The timing of the pass was a bit disappointing. The long ball came back in the 27th minute of the first half. Johnson grabbed it from the right and shot it when he saw the goalkeeper come out. He got out of the way of the goal.

Karabakh missed a big chance. It was 39 minutes in the first half. Through the pass Tottenham broke down. Yaparguliyev crossed after breaking through the back space. Juninho, who was running in, tried to shoot as it was. Slightly away from the goal. In the 43rd minute a sharp cross went up from the right. But the shot was a bit off. Tottenham ended the first half with a 1-0 lead.

Ahead of the second half, Tottenham called in Johnson and put in Klushevski. Added keeping power throughout the offensive line. In the second half of the second half, Son Heung-min took a chance. After beating the defender on the left, he tried to shoot the ball as it was. I got caught by the defender.

In the eighth minute of the second half, Tottenham added a goal. It was a corner kick situation. The ball came in front of the door. The ball went over backwards. Sarr shot and shook the net as it was. Tottenham took a 2-0 lead.

Karabakh scored a penalty in the 11th minute of the second half. Yaparguliyev jumped in with a 2-1 pass. Bissouma tripped while defending. It was a penalty kick. Byramov stepped up as a kicker. His shot hit the post and went out.

Tottenham also created a chance. He stole the ball through pressure in the 14th minute of the second half. Son Heung-min ran. I passed to Solanke, who was running from the left. Solanke shot. I was caught by the goalkeeper.

Karabakh attempted to shoot after Juninho penetrated between center backs in the 20th minute of the second half. I hit the post and went out. Two minutes later, Benzia tried a header. He got out of the way of the goal.

Tottenham scored a decisive goal in the 23rd minute of the second half. Son Heung-min attempted a right-footed shot from the left side of the penalty area. The goalkeeper hit it. Solanke jumped in and scored a goal.

Son Heung-min, who saw the goal, sent a replacement sign to the bench. After shooting, he must have felt a strain on his right thigh. Son Heung-min collapsed as it was. Tottenham quickly replaced Son Heung-min. However, Son Heung-min walked out on the right foot. When I went out, I didn't see any limp or discomfort.

As of 30 minutes in the second half, Tottenham is leading 3-0.