'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated + 9th place jump'

Sep 01, 2024

'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated  9th place jump'
'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated  9th place jump'
Daejeon Hana Citizen beat Gwangju FC and won five games without a loss.

Daejeon won 2-0 with consecutive goals by Yoon Do-young and Kim In-gyun in the 29th round of the 'Hana Bank K League 1 2024' held at Daejeon World Cup Stadium on the 1st. With the victory, Daejeon continued its steep rise of three wins and two draws in the last five games. It won two consecutive games against Gwangju. He quickly escaped from the relegation zone, ranking ninth with 31 points. Gwangju has lost two consecutive games, making it unlikely to go to Final A.

Daejeon has made quite a difference. Anton returned from injury, and Lee Soon-min, Kim Joon-beom and Yoon Do-young were included in the starting lineup. Martha, Yoon Do-young and Choi Geon-ju made a three-top, while Kim Joon-beom, Lee Soon-min, and Bob Shin stood in the waistline. Lee Sang-min, Anton, Kim Hyun-woo, and Lee Jung-taek made four backs. Lee Chang-geun defended the goal. Gwangju, which played the Korea Cup during the week, had the best lineup. Lee Kun-hee and Choi Kyung-rok stood at the two-top, and Moon Min-seo, Jung Ji-hoon, Jung Ho-yeon, and Asani were in midfield. Lee Min-ki, Heo Yul, Byun Jun-su, and Kim Jin-ho made up the four-back. Kim Kyung-min stood for the goalkeeper's gloves.

'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated  9th place jump'
As soon as Daejeon started, he scored. He scored in 50 seconds. It was Yoon Do-young. Goalkeeper Kim Kyung-min received a back pass. Martha intercepted the trapping miss. Yoon Do-young caught it and shook the Gwangju net with a left-footed shot. It was Yoon Do-young's K-League debut goal. Kim Kyung-min later caused a crisis due to a kick miss.

The six-minute match took another decisive opportunity. After the interception, Martha stabbed a superb through pass. Yoon Do-young's right foot shot was blocked by goalkeeper Kim Kyung-min. In the 10th minute, Yoon Do-young, who received Kim Joon-beom's pass, broke down the right side and connected to the cutback. It led to Martha, but it didn't lead to a shot properly. In the 17th minute, Bob Shin's shot went over the post.

Daejeon has plagued Gwangju's defense with active pressure all the time. Gwangju couldn't cope properly, and it was in a hurry. In the 36th minute, Yoon Do-young succeeded in the interception with active pressure. He broke through, but he couldn't even connect to a shot. 40 min Daejeon missed a disappointing opportunity. Yoon Do-young, who received Kim Joon-beom's pass, beat two defenders and connected with a shot. He missed the goal slightly.

42 min Gwangju changed three players. Except for Heo Yul, Jeong Ji-hoon, and Moon Min-seo, Ahn Young-gyu, Lee Hee-kyun, and Oh Soo-sung were added. The offensive of the Great War continued. In the 43rd minute, Bob Shin's amazing lobbing pass connected to Choi Geon-ju, who was jumping in. Choi Kun-joo had a chance to face the goalkeeper, but his shot was weak. In the 45th minute, Yoon Do-young's pass was connected to Kim Joon-beom. Kim Jun-beom's shot was directed in front of the goalkeeper.

'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated  9th place jump'
In the second half, Gwangju actively stepped up. Daejeon also fought back. In the fifth minute of the second half, Choi Kun-joo's right foot shot from left to center was blocked by goalkeeper Kim Kyung-min's super save. In the 10th minute, Daejeon took another opportunity through pressure. Lee Soon-min's shot hit the defense, and Yoon Do-young connected the ball that Bob Shin pushed with his head. He was blocked by goalkeeper Kim Kyung-min.

Gwangju also fought back. 12 min After Hoosheng won the contest, he connected a grounder cross from the right. Choi Kyung-rok connected with a left footed shot. It didn't fit properly and came up. 14 min Daejeon changed the three. Kim Joon-beom, Choi Gun-ju and Yoon Do-young were excluded, and Gutech, Kim In-gyun and Kim Seung-dae were added. In the 20th minute, Daejeon quickly handled a free kick, creating a good chance for Kim In-kyun. The left footed shot was blocked by goalkeeper Kim Kyung-min.

21 min Gwangju created a good chance. Asani, who received a quick pass, fired a left-footed shot from the right side of the box. Goalkeeper Lee Chang-geun blocked it nicely. In the 22nd minute, Martha, who was in poor physical condition, came out and Lim Deok-geun was put in. Gwangju attempted a powerful right-footed shot right in front of the net during the ensuing corner kick, but it came up. 27 min Gwangju hit the ground. Lee Kun-hee connected a left-footed cross from Asani's right with a header from the no-marker. I knew it was a goal, but goalkeeper Lee Chang-geun saved it with a super save.

'Yoon Do-young's debut goal - Kim In-gyun's return goal' Daejeon won 2-0 against Gwangju'5 games undefeated  9th place jump'
28 min Gwangju wrote the last card. Without Lee Kun-hee and Choi Kyung-rok, Gabriel and Jung Ji-yong were added. Gwangju's offensive was fierce. After Jung Ji-yong beat a defense in front of the arc in the 29th minute, his right foot shot was blocked by Lee Chang-geun again. Asani's fantasy free kick in the 33rd minute was also blocked by Lee Chang-geun.

Daejeon scored the net. Lee Chang-geun caught a corner kick in the 34th minute. He immediately connected Kim In-gyun, who was penetrating. After beating the defender with tremendous speed, Kim In-kyun scored an additional goal with a calm left-footed shot in the face of Kim Kyung-min. Gwangju kicked a free-kick in a good position in the 42nd minute, but it missed slightly after hitting the wall. 44 min Asani attempted a right footed shot after beating two defenders from the right side of the box, but it came up. Daejeon strengthened its defense by excluding Lee Sang-min and putting Oh Jae-seok.
