The 4th hitter of the Samsung Dynasty, now the 4th hitter of the enemy, feels different"

Oct 21, 2024

The 4th hitter of the Samsung Dynasty, now the 4th hitter of the enemy, feels different'
KIA and Doosan at Jamsil Baseball Stadium on the 19th, and KIA Choi Hyung-woo is happy to hit an RBI timely hit with one out and runners on the first and third bases in the top of the first inning. Jamsil = Reporter Heo Sang-wook /2024.09.19/
"With Samsung coming up, I feel a bit different."

Choi Hyung-woo faces his old team for the first time in the Korean Series. The KIA Tigers will face the Samsung Lions in Game 1 of the Korean Series at Kia Champions Field in Gwangju on the 21st.

Choi Hyung-woo, Kia's oldest, key hitter and spiritual support, was listed in the starting lineup as the No. 4-designated hitter. He met his former team in the Korean Series for the first time.

Choi Hyung-woo, who has played for nearly 10 years until the 2016 season and has grown into a batter representing the league, transferred by signing an FA contract with KIA ahead of the 2017 season. For Choi Hyung-woo, a native of Jeonju, it was a transfer to his hometown team, but it was also a shocking transfer because he received the Rookie of the Year award at Samsung and was one of the leading players of the team that led the Samsung Dynasty.

KIA enjoyed the 'Choi Hyung-woo effect' by winning the integrated championship in 2017, the first year Choi Hyung-woo moved. After that, he will try to win again for the first time in seven years. Still, Choi Hyung-woo is a batter at the center.

The 4th hitter of the Samsung Dynasty, now the 4th hitter of the enemy, feels different'
Gwangju Kia Champions Field on the 23rd. Choi Hyung-woo, who was absent from the first-team entry, is on the field to help the players train. Gwangju = Reporter Jeong Jae-geun /2024.9.23/
Choi Hyung-woo, who met with reporters ahead of the first game on the 21st, said, `It feels new and different to meet Samsung in the Korean Series. I expected Samsung to come up because it was the second-ranked team in the regular season. When asked if he expected Samsung to come up, he said, "Not really. Honestly, it didn't matter who came up. I didn't specify which team I wanted to face."

He said he wanted to secure the championship as soon as possible. Choi Hyung-woo said, `I want to win from today. In 2017, they also lost the first game. I want to win the first game today"It's usually cold when preparing for the Korean Series. Fortunately, the weather was not cold this year, so I was able to exercise well while sweating. It doesn't seem to have much to do with adaptability. I was also the first designated hitter to play in the Korean Series, so I kept focusing on hitting the bat."

The 4th hitter of the Samsung Dynasty, now the 4th hitter of the enemy, feels different'
A match between the KIA Tigers and the Samsung Lions in Game 1 of the Korean Series at Kia Champions Field in Gwangju on the 21st. KIA Choi Hyung-woo and Lee Woo-sung are warming up. Gwangju = Reporter Park Jae-man /2024.10.21/
Samsung's veteran catcher Kang Min-ho picked Choi Hyung-woo as the most vigilant object in the Korean Series. They are also very close. Choi Hyung-woo is the type to talk a lot about him because Min-ho sits (at the catcher's seat). I hope you don't open your mouth. I was like that during the season, but I want to talk less because I have to focus here," he replied, drawing laughter.

The key point that Choi Hyung-woo picked was hitting. "Samsung has a good batting performance, and we have a good batting performance. There are a lot of home runs in Daegu, but we also hit a lot when we went to Daegu away. All of our players think so," he said, expressing strong confidence.