The plan for the extortion has gone awry. Son Joo-young's second game failed. In the order of ENS-Son Joo-Young-Lim Chan-gyu."Training part says it's dangerous...""

Oct 13, 2024

The plan for the extortion has gone awry. Son Joo-young's second game failed. In the order of ENS-Son Joo-Young-Lim Chan-gyu.'Training part says it's dangerous...''
The first PO match between Samsung and LG held at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on the 13th. LG manager Yeom Kyung-yeop is interviewing. Daegu=Song Jeong-heon, Reporter
The plan for the extortion has gone awry. Son Joo-young's second game failed. In the order of ENS-Son Joo-Young-Lim Chan-gyu.'Training part says it's dangerous...''
A game between the LG Twins and the KT Wiz in Game 5 of the semi-playoff at Jamsil Stadium on the 11th. LG manager Yeom Kyung-yeop is watching the game. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man /2024.10.11/
The plan for the extortion has gone awry. Son Joo-young's second game failed. In the order of ENS-Son Joo-Young-Lim Chan-gyu.'Training part says it's dangerous...''
The 5th semi-PO game between KT and LG held at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on the 11th. LG advanced to the playoffs with a 4-1 victory. KT manager Lee Kang-chul is giving a congratulatory handshake to LG manager Yeom Kyung-yeop. Jamsil = Reporter Jung Jae-geun /2024.10.11/
Unlike the Samsung Lions, the LG Twins, who won the semi-playoff under the three-starter system, will meet Samsung under the four-starter system this time. Choi Won-tae, Ens, Son Joo-young, and Lim Chan-kyu will take the turn.

LG Twins manager Yeom Kyung-yeop announced the starting rotation in the first round of the Samsung Playoff at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on the 13th.

When he finished Game 5 of the semi-PO, he was considering Son Joo-young as the starter for the second game, but he decided to play the second game and Son Joo-young as the third game according to the training part's judgment that he needed a break. Everyone comes out with plenty of rest. Son Joo-young, who threw 29 balls in Game 5, will take the mound after four days of rest after the fourth round of the semi-PO by Ence, and will play in Game 3 after four days of rest. Lim Chan-kyu, who was the starting pitcher for Game 5, will play Game 4 after a break on the 5th.

-I included Kim Beom-seok in the entry.

▶I uploaded it to use it as a substitute agent in the event of a situation. There are left-handed pitchers rather than KT, and reports that they are in good condition in the second division in preparation for their left hand came up, so they changed.

-I put Kim Hyun-soo in number 4.

▶ Recently, he has a good batting sense and his opponent is not bad. I decided because I thought it would be good to raise Kim Hyun-soo to No. 4.

-The second round selection is.

In the ▶ training part, Son Joo-young said there was a risk, so he changed it to ANS. I think (Son) Joo-young will go out in Game 3. It's Lim Chan-gyu in the fourth game. Thinking of Son Joo-young as a starter for the second game was thinking until the fifth game.

-I think the middle pitchers will be important in the playoffs.

▶ The key point of pitcher management is how much the existing middle pitchers play the role of Hernandez and (Son) Joo-young, although starting is important. Young-chan (Yoo) can throw two innings like last year's Korean Series, or Kim Jin-sung can play two innings. The rest of the pitchers, including (Baek) Seung-hyun, (Jung) Woo-young, and (Ham) Deok-ju, will be put in a situation where there is a high probability of blocking (Kim) Yoo-young with one point while dragging each inning. Existing pitchers took a break from the semi-playoff, so their role seems to be important as if they are starting the postseason. Hernandez is the only player who is tired of semi-PO. The semi-PO will be run by almost three people, so the condition will be well controlled.

-Hernandez is finishing, but he throws only one inning.

▶ No. I will try to reduce the number of innings as much as possible, but I can use up to one ⅔ if I get a chance to win.

-Director Park Jin-man said he wanted to finish Game 4.

▶ do one's best every gameIf you look at it, it doesn't go my way anyway, but I will try to focus on the game that I can do my best to win and go up through selection and concentration, whether it's Game 3, Game 4, or Game 5.

-Moon Bo-kyung had his first hit in Game 5 of the semi-PO.

▶ I'm sure you'll be alive. Choi Won-tae is also a player who has a curve when playing pennant races, but the match against Samsung was a day when he was scratched. I'm looking forward to it. I think there is a high probability.

-With Kim Bum-seok coming in, there was one less outfielder. Can Moon Sung-joo defend in the outfield.

▶There is no problem with Moon Sung-joo going out now, but he is playing as a designated hitter as a protection measure. If he gets better, he'll be able to defend himself.