"'金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening

Oct 21, 2024

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Jang Jae-geun, president of Jincheon National Training Center (5th from left in the front row), and the medical staff, trainers, and staff of the Korean Sports and Olympic Committee, who are presenters, are shouting out "fighting" at the '2024 Paris Olympics Medi Dot Performance and Tasks' seminar held at the Olympic Parktel in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 18th. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
The enthusiasm at the seminar for the '2024 Paris Olympics MediDot Performance and Tasks' held at the Olympic Parktel in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 18th was hot. More than 300 attendees, including leaders, students, and officials, did not leave throughout the nearly seven-hour presentation. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
The heroes who devoted themselves behind the 'heroes of Paris' came together.

The Korean Olympic Committee's '2024 Seminar on Sports Medicine and Science' held at Olympic Parktel Olympia Hall in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 18th was a place to share the support process and achievements of the Paris Olympics 'Medi.Dat=Medical+Data' and seek the future. The project was designed to expand support for sports medicine and data analysis to improve national performance ahead of the Paris Olympics and to establish a communication and collaboration network for each event.

For the first time, doctors, trainers, nutritionists, and staff members who worked hard in each field, from the hot summer in Paris, to duties, conditioning, psychology and special support. Through the back stories of the smallest athletes in history since Montreal in 1976 and those who struggled as national team members in their respective positions to increase the probability of winning a medal by even 0.01 percent due to the difficulties of Korean sports, they confirmed the reason for the better performance than expected and the truth of the Olympics that gold medals do not come alone.

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
A keynote speech by Yoo Jae-chul, senior vice president of the Korean Sports Medical Association. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
A keynote speech by Kim Won-jin, a judo bronze medalist at the Paris Olympics. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Paris Olympic judo bronze medalist Kim Won-jin emphasizes the importance of sports medicine and injury management to athletes in his keynote speech.
▶ Mandatory support

In the keynote speech, Kim Won-jin 'Paris Judo Bronze Medalist'"The pre-camp for the Paris Olympics had a training environment similar to that of Jincheon Training Center, doctors at the athletes' village, and teachers at the treatment room. There was an environment for treatment and rehabilitation, and it was a better environment compared to the previous Olympics. It had a profound effect on the psychology and performance of the players." Yoo Jae-chul, senior vice president of the Korean Sports Medical Association, stressed that "One of the reasons why athletes were able to show their full skills at the Paris Olympics is thorough support from sports science. It is necessary not to settle for this achievement, but to form a mandatory committee consisting of experts such as specialists, physical therapists, exercise physiologists, psychological counselors, and nutritionists for each team."

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Bae Joong-hyun, specialist in rehabilitation medicine at Jincheon National Training Center of the Korean Sports Council. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
With Park Soo-sung, chairman of the medical committee of the Korea Sports Association (Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Asan Medical Center in Seoul), and Lee Seung-rim, an orthopedic surgeon at the Korea Sports Association, Bae Joong-hyun, a rehabilitation medicine specialist at the Jincheon Training Center, and Yoo Jung-jin, an orthopedic surgeon, shared the results. From July 12 to August 10, a total of 388 cases, including treatment, treatment, and medication, were provided at the Fontainebleau pre-training camp, 553 cases including physical therapy, taping, and exercise therapy, and from July 20 to August 12, a total of 987 cases of treatment, treatment, medication, taping, and exercise therapy were provided at the medical office in the athletes' village. 55 on-site compulsory support was provided to 11 sports stadiums. As the size of the team decreased, the size of the medical staff also decreased, and three medical staff, including the pre-camp, worked day and night, and there was also a dizzying moment. Six days before the game, fencer A fell on a bicycle in the pre-camp and tore the top of his foot, but eventually won the team gold medal through emergency sutures and rehabilitation, and athletes who had problems with orthodontics and dislocated their shoulders just before the game played through first aid.

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Yoo Jung-jin, an orthopedic surgeon at Jincheon Training Center of the Korean Sports Council. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
'Sports Love'Kim Jin-soo, president of Sejong Sports Orthopedic Clinic, emphasized the collaboration between Jincheon Training Center and medical institutions. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
During the preparations for the Paris Olympics, Yoo Joong-jin said, `It was very helpful in the field to share game strategies, injury situations, provide expertise, and build cooperative relationships through communication with leaders.' Kim Jin-soo, head of Sejong Sports Orthopedic Surgery, introduced a case of collaboration between Jincheon Training Center and an outside specialized hospital. A female taekwondo athlete with a fractured finger bone a month before the Olympics and a fencer with a ruptured wrist ligament five months before the Olympics won a medal on the dream Olympic stage through accurate diagnosis and prescription. The doctors' efforts to choose the best mosquito repellent for the players were solemn, despite the fact that they had trailed dozens of papers throughout the night. I did my best at every moment with the perception that all injuries to the national team were "emergency".

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Yong-joon, physical therapist of the Korea Sports Association. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
▶ Conditioning support

In the second session, trainers who accompanied the athletes closely at the Paris Olympic Village and the stadium were also on stage. Kim Eun-guk, the head of SRC Rehabilitation Hospital, and Kim Hyun-chul, a trainer in the treatment room, presented the results of conditioning support for the Paris Olympics. The events that received the most physical therapy in the pre-camp were judo with 132, badminton with 85, and fencing with 42. The parts were 99 at the waist, 57 at the shoulder, and 54 at the ankle. In the medical office of the Paris Training Center, 135 cases of judo, 131 cases of swimming, and 106 cases of badminton were followed. The parts were 168 cases of waist, 99 cases of shoulder, and 82 cases of ankle. Five trainers were distributed throughout the stadium to help condition 144 players. Trainer Kim said, `Some days I went to four events. I had a full schedule every single day," he said with a smile. "In advance, interviews with leaders, exchanges, and one-on-one matching with players were good, so not only treatment but also communication was good." I was able to contribute to my good performance because I became a one-team member."

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Winner of the Korea Sports Council Physiotherapist. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Winner of the Korea Sports Council is showing a squat demonstration that led to the rehabilitation of Badminton A, who injured his ankle at the site of the Paris Olympics, at the seminar of the '2024 Paris Olympic Medi Dot Performance and Tasks" held at the Olympic Parktel in Songpa-gu, Seoul. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Ah-som, physical therapist of the Korea Sports Council. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Winner, Kim Ah-som (right) trainer answering questions from the audience at 'MediDot Seminar'. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
Woo Seung-soo and Kim Ah-som, physical therapists, then introduced actual field cases (presumed to be Badminton Ahn Se-young's case) under the theme of 'ankle tendon acute injury management case'. Trainer Woo demonstrated the entire eight days of rehabilitation training, including attribute exercise therapy that quickly reduced pain and swelling of athletes who injured their ankles during training just before the competition, and 'Enhanced ankle'squat. Trainer Kim Asom explained the rationale. Trainer Wu "The first day the athlete came in in a wheelchair and iced, and the next day he started walking as fast as he could. I started working out on the third day, and I trained to connect my upper body with my feet well based on the basics of "Let's move a lot so that it doesn't hurt."The result of the gold medal was ultimately what the player did well. We trusted the players and guided them just the basics and the way."

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Myung-hee, compulsory trainer for the national fencing team. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Se-yong, physical therapist of the Korea Sports Association. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Myung-hee, a medical trainer who was responsible for conditioning fencing 'New Avengers', said "The national team is a place where experts collaborate and discuss and let athletes perform at their best."The trainer's role is growing bigger and bigger. In many cases, time with family is also needed to be put down in order to play with players. He emphasized his sense of mission, saying, "It's a difficult job to do without love for the country and sports." Kim Se-yong, a physical therapist at the Korea Sports Council, shared the latest trends by introducing one of the hottest issues in the field of conditioning: 'Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S).'

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Han Deok-hyun, a professor of psychiatry at Chung-Ang University, shares the results of the national team's psychological support at the '2024 Paris Olympics MediDot results and tasks' seminar held at the Olympic Parktel in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 18th. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Han Deok-hyun, professor of psychiatry at Chung-Ang University. Photo =Kim Hyung-seok, deputy director of the Korea Sports Association
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Han Deok-hyun, professor of psychiatry at Chung-Ang University
▶ Psychological support

In the third session, Han Deok-hyun, a professor of psychiatry at Chung-Ang University, received the highest attention in psychological support for the Paris Olympics. Professor Han collaborated with the Jincheon National Training Center Sports Medicine and Science Ministry and leaders of each sport to conduct psychological counseling ahead of the Paris Olympics. Fifty-eight athletes in five events, including swimming and judo, received psychological counseling for the entire team, including athletes, leaders, and trainers. Judo, which won five medals in Paris after expressing regret over the "Tokyo No Medal" event, is a representative event that benefited from psychological support. Professor Han did not mention a specific team, but "The best performance comes only when individual psychology and teamwork are combined together in a good way." "For the team work, all the coaches, coaches, trainers, office work, and administration were involved. The results of the psychological test were disclosed after asking for understanding from the members. At first, he was reluctant, but as he disclosed the results of the leaders and players, he began to understand each other. As the teamwork improved, the performance also improved.' "As the events that conducted the group psychological examination showed good results at the World Championships just before the Olympics, requests for group psychological examinations of other events continued. There is also a team three times." "Players have a natural temperament. Some players have to constantly give operational instructions, and others have better perceptions than managers during the game. Understanding this temperament reduces misunderstandings about players even for leaders. Teamwork improves"The team that all members of the team underwent psychological tests showed good results as well. Teams that fused teams and individuals, and teams that had the process of correcting each other, also showed good results.

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Kim Hyung-seok, deputy director of the video analysis room of the Korea Sports Council.
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Lee Mi-jin, deputy director of the training planning department of the Korea Sports Council. Photo =Kim Hyung-seok, deputy director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Cho Eun-young, nutritionist of the Korea Sports Council. Photo = Kim Hyung-seok, Deputy Director of the Korea Sports Council
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
▶'Care-Full'Special Support

In the last fourth session, employees of the Jincheon Training Center of the Korean Sports Association, who were all-in to support the team ahead of the Paris Olympics, led by Professor Cho Nam-ki of the Department of Physical Education at Sookmyung Women's University. Kim Hyung-seok, deputy director of the video analysis room of the Korea Sports Association, introduced specific examples of supporting the performance of each event by shooting videos of events such as swimming, badminton, fencing, and taekwondo, providing data analysis data, and providing video and data of competitors. In the future, it also pointed out tasks such as expanding personnel and professional analysts in charge of video analysis and using AI equipment. Lee Mi-jin, deputy director of the training planning department, explained psychological, recovery, nutrition, balance, and customized support efforts through the 'CARE-FULL Project'.

Finally, Cho Eun-young, a nutritionist at the Korea Sports Association, unveiled special meals for athletes, including nutritional support and beet juice tailored to the national team before and after the Paris Olympics. For Nak-il players, eating during hard training is the only thing that has raised the morale of the players through a survey on the menu they want to eat from time to time.

''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
The staff and medical staff of the sports department of the Korea Sports Council.
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Jang Jae-geun, head of Jincheon Training Center, national team leaders, and former leaders are shouting fighting.
''金13'Those who silently devoted themselves behind the Paris hero'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY X CONDITIONING X'Psychological Support'MEDI DATT'SEMINARY Field Opening
Myeong Chae-bin, Jang Min-ji, and Lee Sun-joo from Yonsei University's Department of Physical Therapy, who 'studied hard' at the seminar. The MediDot seminar was also very useful as a career education to raise awareness of the field among students majoring in the field. Satisfaction reached 95 per cent.
The academic enthusiasm of the seminar, which lasted nearly seven hours from 10 a.m. that day, was hot. More than 300 seats were filled and they did not leave until the end. There were also heated questions and answers from field leaders, students and experts. About 40 major students from Yonsei University and Eulji University attended. Jang Min-ji and Myung Chae-bin, seniors of Yonsei University's Department of Physical Therapy, said "I was curious about the role of physical therapists in the Paris Olympics, and I was curious about what kind of treatment actually went on. I learned not only physical therapy, but also various parts such as psychology, conditioning, and nutrition, and it was good to be able to broaden my horizons." Lee Sun-joo, a second-year student at the same school 'Modern pentathlon Athletes', said "It was a seminar beyond expectations. I was a former athlete, so I had athletic experience and attended to get help in my career, but today's seminar will be of great help." The satisfaction level of the seminar conducted by the Ministry of Sports and Science of the Korean Sports Council was 95%, and field leaders, athletes, and students answered "very satisfied" satisfied".

Jang Jae-geun, head of Jincheon National Training Center, said "Thanks to the dedication of the national team leaders, medical staff, trainers, and staff, athletes who competed in the Paris Olympics were able to focus only on their performance. Thanks to the close support centered on athletes, despite the minimum number of 144 athletes, he was able to set the record for the most gold medals in the Olympics and the most medals in away games"I respect your dedication to the front line," he said, expressing his gratitude."We will spare no support to build a more advanced sports and scientific system through communication with experts in various fields and continuous innovation and research." I will try to make a better environment for the players by receiving your bitter words sweetly."
