Lee Seung-min won the AAAC title. "Thanks to those who cheered me on, I enjoyed the game."

Dec 01, 2024

Lee Seung-min won the AAAC title. 'Thanks to those who cheered me on, I enjoyed the game.'
photo courtesy of ball media

Lee Seung-min won the AAAC title. 'Thanks to those who cheered me on, I enjoyed the game.'
photo courtesy of ball media
Lee Seung-min lifted the trophy for the first time in two years since the 2022 U.S. Adaptive Open. He is the only professional golfer with autism developmental disorder in Korea.

Lee won the Australian All-Availability Championship, which took place at Kingston Hills Golf Club in Melbourne, Australia, from Nov. 28-30. Lee kept the lead from the second round. At this competition, he won the title with a total of 212 strokes and 4 under par (13 birdies, 7 bogeys).

Lee has been runner-up for the past two years since becoming the first champion at the USGA-hosted competition 'US Adaptive Open'. He failed to surpass the world's No. 1 disabled golfer Kip Puffort. However, Lee Seung-min, who is ranked second in the world, won the competition by a large gap of 14 pars, narrowing the point gap with the top player.

Lee Seung-min, who won the trophy, said, "I feel really good because I won a major championship for the first time in two years since the U.S. Adaptive Open. I am very honored to win a big competition like the Australian Open. I am grateful to my supportive supporters, including my parents, grandfathers, and grandmothers. I am especially grateful to Yoon Seul-ki, who always helps me with my training and takes care of me."

He started with consecutive bogeys on the first and second holes in the second round and was a little shaky. (Yoon) Seulgi caught it well so that he could focus again. Later, he made a birdie on the fourth hole, and the support of the galleries around him also helped. Thanks to a lot of applause and support, I really enjoyed playing."

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.