Lee Seung-min won the AAAC title. "Thanks to those who cheered me on, I enjoyed the game."
Dec 01, 2024
Lee won the Australian All-Availability Championship, which took place at Kingston Hills Golf Club in Melbourne, Australia, from Nov. 28-30. Lee kept the lead from the second round. At this competition, he won the title with a total of 212 strokes and 4 under par (13 birdies, 7 bogeys).
Lee has been runner-up for the past two years since becoming the first champion at the USGA-hosted competition 'US Adaptive Open'. He failed to surpass the world's No. 1 disabled golfer Kip Puffort. However, Lee Seung-min, who is ranked second in the world, won the competition by a large gap of 14 pars, narrowing the point gap with the top player.
Lee Seung-min, who won the trophy, said, "I feel really good because I won a major championship for the first time in two years since the U.S. Adaptive Open. I am very honored to win a big competition like the Australian Open. I am grateful to my supportive supporters, including my parents, grandfathers, and grandmothers. I am especially grateful to Yoon Seul-ki, who always helps me with my training and takes care of me."
He started with consecutive bogeys on the first and second holes in the second round and was a little shaky. (Yoon) Seulgi caught it well so that he could focus again. Later, he made a birdie on the fourth hole, and the support of the galleries around him also helped. Thanks to a lot of applause and support, I really enjoyed playing."
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.