K-League shares warmth with 392,741 people and publishes 2024 white paper on social contribution activities
Feb 18, 2025
Since 2018, the Professional Federation has published a white paper on K-League social contribution activities every year that contains various social contribution activities and related statistical data conducted by the K-League. The "2024 K-League Social Contribution Activity White Paper" contains the K-League Social Contribution Vision, the K-League Assistance Foundation, the overview of 2024 K-League social contribution activities at a glance, the 2024 K-League Green Winners Award and Love Sharing Award-winning clubs, and the social contribution activities and best practices of each club, which are summarized in four categories: environment, health, inequality, and community, which are key areas of K-League social contribution.
In 2024, the federation and K-League clubs held 2,554 social contribution activities and shared warmth with a total of 392,741 beneficiaries. This is an increase of 35.2% and 28%, respectively, compared to the previous year, mainly due to the large expansion of projects to promote local community health, such as soccer classes. In addition, many clubs have expanded various activities to resolve social inequality caused by racial, religious, cultural, and physical differences, including soccer and physical activity-related programs.
Examples of representative social contribution activities by Daejeon, which won the K-League Green Winners Award and the K-League 1 Love Sharing Award at the 2024 K-League Awards, and Seongnam, which won the K-League 2 Love Sharing Award, were also introduced.
Daejeon was recognized for its various activities for sustainable soccer and local communities, such as implementing carbon neutral games, holding Daejeon Love Club Soccer Competition, and operating small business win-win programs 'Together Shop', while Seongnam was recognized for its contribution to the expansion of the soccer base by running women's soccer clinics and elementary school students' soccer clinics.
The Professional Federation also introduced major social contribution activities conducted with K-League partners. Representatively, they include the 'Only One Escort Kid Campaign' conducted with HD Hyundai Oilbank to spread awareness of population decline issues, the 'Exit Campaign' conducted with FedEx to spread safety culture in stadiums, the 'K League Unified Cup' with Hana Financial Group, the environmental campaign in response to the climate crisis, the 'Green Kickoff' with HD Hyundai Oilbank, and the 'Life Sharing Campaign' to improve awareness of long-term and organizational donation.
The "2024 K-League Social Contribution Activity White Paper" was produced with financial support from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the National Sports Promotion Foundation. The white paper will be distributed to each club and related organization, and it can also be downloaded through the official K-League website and the K-League Association website.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.