Ma Huang can't refute, painful advice. Why can't I concentrate on defense?

Feb 23, 2025

Ma Huang can't refute, painful advice. Why can't I concentrate on defense?
Hwang Sung-bin, who performs defensive training in the spring camp. Photo =Lotte Giants

[Tainan (Taiwan) = Sports Chosun reporter Na Yuri]"I admit it because it's true."

Lotte Giants Hwang Sung-bin had his best season since his professional debut last year. He played 125 games in the first team and reached the .300 batting average for the first time with a .32 batting average, 117 hits and an on-base percentage of .371 OPS of .812. In particular, 51 stolen bases with his biggest weapon, speed, were enough to increase the value.

The club recognized Hwang Sung-bin's performance by raising his annual salary from 76 million won to 155 million won this year. He recorded his first billion-dollar salary in his life.

But not everything was satisfactory. As an outfielder, he made several poor batting judgments in defense last year. As a result, he was replaced during the game and heard the coaching staff's bitter criticism.

Ma Huang can't refute, painful advice. Why can't I concentrate on defense?
Hwang Sung-bin played in a practice match against the Taiwanese national team. Photo =Lotte Giants
Head coach Cho Won-woo, who made a comeback as Lotte's head coach this year, is an outfielder and an outfield defense coach expert. Cho left Hwang Sung-bin with painful advice, "'Why can't I concentrate on defense compared to my concentration when I'm at bat?'

Hwang Sung-bin "I can't refute it because it's true. I admitted it"Coach Cho Won-woo strongly talked about the first start, and I'm also focusing more on the start while playing practice games. If the coaches see me starting roughly, they come right away and give me feedback. 'Stay focused' he says. Coach Cho Won-woo is saying 'You have to know how to maintain that concentration' It's only been a month, but I'm grateful to coach Cho Won-woo because I think I've improved. I think I have a lot of good luck"I smiled and thanked him.

Ma Huang can't refute, painful advice. Why can't I concentrate on defense?
황성빈. Photo =Lotte Giants
When it comes to speed, I am full of confidence this year as well. Hwang Sung-bin "I did so many step-ups last year, and I'm almost confident in that part. I think I just need to step on the base a lot"I think the team's performance will go up and down depending on how many times I step on the base this year. The hitters behind me are so good, so I believe if I step on the base a lot, the team will go up further."

Bench coach Kim Min-jae ordered Hwang Sung-bin to have a on-base percentage of 38%. Hwang Sung-bin offered his wish, saying, `If Coach Bench achieves a on-base percentage of 380%, I will do everything he asked me to do. I'm going to achieve it and proudly tell you my wish,' smiling "I'm a player who came this far with one confidence. I think I can do it enough."

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.