Yang Minhyuk played in 67 minutes and lost to Sheffield 1-2

Mar 02, 2025

 Yang Minhyuk played in 67 minutes and lost to Sheffield 1-2
photo source=Sheffield United

[Lotters Road Stadium (London, England) = Egan Sports Chosun.com reporter] Yang Minhyuk started. He showed active performance but failed to lead the team to victory.

QPR lost to Sheffield 1-2 in the 35th round of the English Championship at Loftus Road Stadium in London on the afternoon of the 1st (local time).

The home team QPR led the attack from the beginning of the first half. Morgan hit a mid-range shot in the arc circle in the third minute of the first half. The defense hit it. On the ensuing corner, Dunn attempted a header. He got out of the way of the goal.

Yang Min-hyuk has a chance in the 6th minute of the first half. Yang Min-hyuk grabbed the ball that Fry dropped and hit it into the back space. He crossed but missed. In the eighth minute, Varane tried to shoot in the midfield. It was in front of the goalkeeper.

9 min Sheffield scored the opening goal. QPR Yang Min-hyuk grabbed the ball and tried to counterattack. Sheffield players blocked. Yang Min-hyuk was pushed back by the struggle. Sheffield, who snatched the ball, crossed as it was. Brereton finished with a header in front of the gate. Sheffield led the way.

QPR continued its offensive. It was to make an equalizer. In the 22nd minute of the first half, Yang Min-hyuk dug into the back space. I tried to cross. I was caught by the defense. The ball flowed backward from a corner kick in the 23rd minute of the first half. Yang Min-hyuk grabbed it, beat the defender, and shot with his left foot. The goalkeeper made a super save. In the 25th minute, Frei grabbed the ball and shot it after hitting it. It went over the goal. In the 28th minute of the first half, a chance came out in front of the gate. Yang Min-hyuk hit the shot. He got out of the way of the goal.

Yang Min-hyuk tried to shoot again in the 37th minute of the first half. He hit a backward ball from a corner kick. It bounced off the defense. QPR's corner kick continued.

In the 40th minute of the first half, QPR tied the score. The cross went up and the ball dropped with a header finished with a prygo goal. But the assistant referee raised the flag. It was offside. The goal was disallowed. Just before the end of the first half, QPR launched an offensive. However, the last pass was disappointing.

 Yang Minhyuk played in 67 minutes and lost to Sheffield 1-2
Sheffield scored an extra goal in the 9th minute of the second half. It was a concise and sharp attack. He went on a counterattack. Caught the Cambay ball in front of the arc circle. He hit a turning shot as it was. I split the goal. Sheffield led 2-0.

In the 12th minute of the second half, QPR put in Koki Saito. I tried to change the attack. The more it did, the more Sheffield focused on defense. QPR's attack did not go right. In the 21st minute of the second half, Yang Min-hyuk, Smith and Lloyd were put in with their arms out.

In the 25th minute of the second half, QPR got a penalty. An opposing defender's handball foul came out.Fry scored a goal. QPR followed one goal.

Sheffield also had a great chance in the 35th minute of the second half. It created a counterattack situation. The last pass was good. Brereton shot. It went over the goal.

QPR also went on the offensive for the rest of the time. But he didn't make any more goals. QPR ended up losing 1-2.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.